
Showing posts from June, 2019

Get Rid of Scabs Naturally

Scabs are defined as the natural process that protects your skin from bleeding injuries through the creation of a hard coating. With the appearance of scabs, we came to know that healing process has begun and it becomes a challenging to remove these scars entirely . Warm Compress A warm compress will help to get rid of scabs by dissolving the scab area with its moisture and also enhance the skin to heal quickly. 1. Boil a pot of water for few minutes and take a soft towel to soak in this warm water. 2. Wring out the towel to remove excess water and press it on the scabs. 3. Press the towel gently onto the scab but don't pull or scrub your skin, as it causes more scarring or results in infections. 4. Repeat the same process for few times daily until you get relief from scabs. 5. Remember that after removing scab from the skin, you have to apply Neosporin or bacitracin to heal the scab affected area faster and to reduce the risk of infection and prevent the formation of a

Clean your Ears Easily and Naturally

Having your ears blocked can make you a problem, which, besides irritating, can also be severe. Earplugs can often be a result of wax buildup, which is actually the waxy oil created by ear canal glands. Washing your ears in a Natural way Ingredients 1 tablespoon of Alcohol; 1/2 tablespoon of White Vinegar. Method First of all, you should place the alcohol and the white vinegar in a dish. Then, you should blend well the two ingredients until they are integrated. After that, place the blend in a dropper and then place 10 drops in your ear canal with the mind tilted towards opposite part. You should remain in that posture for about one minute. After that, you should repeat exactly the same routine using the opposite ear canal. You should repeat this procedure two times a week. Before you do this treatment, you need to remember that it just serves to deal with minor issues such as wax buildup or even pain out of being in connection with water. If the problem is m

Health Benefit of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar is an incredibly versatile natural food that offers a myriad of health benefits.It lowers blood sugar levels, inhibits bacterial growth, creates a feeling of fullness and helps weight loss, reduces cholesterol and cleans and disinfects the skin. It is a rich source of antioxidants due to the Polyphenols of apple and is also high in acetic acid, which improves the absorption of important minerals in the body and breaks down food easier. Apple Cider Vinegar is excellent for our skin health, so here is how to use it to solve some common issues: 1. To destroy the bacteria that cause the bad odor of the feet, you should soak the feet in a bowl with water and 4 cups of apple cider vinegar for 15 minutes. This will also soothe all kinds of skin conditions and detoxify your body. You can also pour apple cider vinegar on baby wipes, leave them in the fridge overnight, and then use them to rub the soles of the feet. 2. Moreover, to relieve itchy skin, and

Remove Maximum Body Fat in just 7 Days

Increased weight and body fat collection at every part of your body looks very ugly . Many a time in worse situation the body fat even cost you more as you can’t move properly and which affects the body joints and bones. So, in this fast world to stay active take care of your body and shed those extra kilos and fat. Here is an easy recipe to lose your maximum weight in just 7 days. Ingredients: 2 tablespoons of Honey 1 teaspoon of Cinnamon 250 ml of Water Directions: 1. Just mix the boiling water with cinnamon , tap it and let it cool down. 2. Add the honey into the drink after it has cooled down so that you can preserve its properties. 3. Never add honey into boiling or very hot drinks! How to take the Drink? 1. Drink half of it just before going to sleep, and the other half in the morning when you wake up, on an empty stomach. 2. You’ll notice that you’ve lost fat and your body fat has started to melt in only 7 days.

Home Remedies to say Goodbye to Underarm Odor

Everyone wants to get rid of their underarm perspirant and bad odor. As, especially summer season we all fight with the problem of sweating and bad smelling, which arises due to sweat. For this, we all used to try a variety of ways and deodorants to smell good, but these deodorants are quite harmful for the body and may lead to a reason of skin cancer. So, it would be better to avoid the use of perfumes or deodorants as much as you can. So, here are some preventive measures and home remedies to avoid the bad smell of body odor. Quit Shaving Despite the fact that it might appear to be unappealing, body hair assumes an imperative job for your body since it retains the dampness which makes great justification for microscopic organisms multiplication and underarm scent. Shaving your underarm hair makes various issues like skin disturbance, in light of the fact that the razor clears a path for microbes to flourish. Lemon Because of its capacity to adjust the pH dimension o

Foods to Relax Constipation

There are many reasons which can cause constipation , and it includes often a combination of poor diet, stress and lack of activity can be blamed for bad bowel movement. However, many of us might not feel comfortable talking about it, but being able to go to the toilet regularly does make a big difference. Becoming reliant on a drug is never a good idea. In the case of constipation, long term use of chemical laxatives disturbs the body’s natural responses and decreases your bowels function. Here is a list of Foods and Drinks that acts as Natural Laxatives to help you poop: 1. Castor Oil : Castor oil is a safe, natural laxative. It works by increasing the movement of the intestines, helping the stool to come out. use castor oil as a natural laxative it should be taken on an empty stomach as, Adults should take 1 to 2 tbsp, Children 2–12 yrs old should take 1 to 2 tsp, and children under 2 yrs of age should not have more than a teaspoon at a time. 2. Beans and Legume

Foods which causes Inflammation in Body

1. Vegetable and Seed Oils Unlike extra virgin olive oils and coconut oils, vegetable and seed oils are often extracted from the seeds of plants using harsh solvents like hexane, a component of gasoline. This includes oils like corn, safflower, sunflower, canola (also known as rapeseed), peanut, sesame and soybean oils. These oils highly processed and they promote inflammation as a result of their high omega-6 fatty acid content. While omega-6 fatty acids are required in small amounts. Replacement for this: Cold-pressed coconut oil, extra-virgin olive oil 2. Dairy Products People create so much mucus after consuming dairy product is because it is an inflammatory food. Dairy is an irritant which enhances the inflammatory response in the body. As a protection mechanism, the body creates mucus to protect it from the irritant (dairy) you are carrying in your body. Replacement for this: Plant-based dairy alternatives like almond or coconut milk, yogurt, cheese and ma

Health Benefits of Pistachio

When it comes to nuts, almonds and cashews seem to be getting all of the attention. “Pistachios are super healthy,” They contain high quality fats in the form of monounsaturated fatty acids, which support heart health and help your body absorb fat-soluble vitamins, like A, D, E, and K.”One 1-ounce serving of pistachios translates to about 49 nuts. Comparably, there are 23 almonds or 14 walnut halves per serving. Here are some of the biggest benefits of pistachios: 1. High Protein Count : Compared to other nuts, the six grams of protein per serving is on the higher end. (Almonds are about equivalent per serving, protein-wise, but walnuts have only 4 grams per serving, and cashews have 5 grams per serving. 2. Packed with Vitamin B: Pistachios supply one of the highest amounts of vitamin B6 in the nut category (about 38 percent of your daily value). “B vitamins help produce ATP [the energy within cells]. People tend to reach for a B-complex vitamin supplement to improve

Foods to Minimize the Effect of Unhealthy Eating

Unhealthy eating doesn’t always means eating too much without taking care of your health. However, unhealthy eating also means the disturbed schedule of your eating habits like skipping your regular meals and overeating or unhealthy eating after a while. A good health is the biggest earning for anyone to sustain a good life ahead. So, there are some foods which can makeup to your unhealthy eating on the previous day. Just take a look over it. Wild-Caught Salmon: Oily fish, like salmon, sardines, and mackerel, provide anywhere from 10 to 100 times the DHA of vegetarian sources like nuts, spinach, and whole grains. That's nice to know, since DHA protects the brain from inflammatory damage, improves learning and memory, and heals brain tissue injured by fructose. Salmon's also a great source of Selenium and Vitamin D. And salmon is simple—cook it with butter, lemon, and dill for an easy, delicious meal. Chia and Flax Seeds : Vegetarians need not despair. When yo