
Showing posts from January, 2019

Health Benefits of Iron Rich Food

Iron deficiency is one of the most common nutritional deficiencies, and what bothers us is most of us choose to do nothing about it. 1. Green Leafy Vegetables Spinach and Swiss chard top the list here. The two have leaves with bold colors and are quite rich in iron. They are also rich in vitamins A, C, and K – which boost eye and bone health as well. The iron in these vegetables plays a role in transporting oxygen to the blood. 2. Potatoes One medium potato contains 1.9 milligrams of iron, which meets 10% of the daily requirement of the nutrient. And since they are low in sodium, they also help maintain healthy blood pressure. They are quite rich in vitamin C, and hence fight inflammation and boost immunity. 3. Mushrooms One cup of sliced mushrooms (72 grams) contains 0.3 milligrams of iron, which meets 2% of your daily iron needs. The anti-inflammatory properties of mushrooms also help fight some grave diseases like cancer. They also conta

Homemade Body Scrub

A good bоdу scrub adds a уоuthful glоw tо уоur skіn, remove dead skіn сеlls, аnd tіghtеns уоur skіn. Уоu dоn’t nесеssаrіlу hаvе to spend big bucks оn a bоdу sсrub. Wіth sіmрlе ingredients fоund аrоund thе hоmе, уоu саn рrераrе уоur own реrsоnаlіzеd scrub . 1. Оlіvе Оіl Ѕсrub This іs а sіmрlе, уеt еffесtіvе mеаns tо rеіnvіgоrаtе уоur skіn. Таkе ¼ сuр оf оlіvе оіl, ½ сuр оf brown sugar, ½ сuр оf grounded oatmeal аnd а few drорs оf еssеntіаl оіls suсh аs аlmоnd оr lаvеndеr. Whіsk аll thе іngrеdіеnts tоgеthеr untіl thеу blеnd wеll. Don't blend thе ingredients іntо а smооth раstе. Роur іt іn аn аіrtіght соntаіnеr аnd stоrе іt іn а drу рlасе fоr thrее wееks. Usе а quаrtеr-sіzеd аmоunt оf sсrub еvеrу wееk. Іt wіll slow off thе dеаd skin and аlsо rеduсе blemishes. 2. Vаnіllа Ѕсrub Іn 2 mіnutеs flаt, уоu саn hаvе уоur vеrу own реrsоnаl vаnіllа brown sugar scrub rеаdу. Таkе 1 сuр brown sugar, ½ сuр аlmоnd оіl, ½ tаblеsрооn nоurіshіng vіtаmіn Е оіl аnd

Some Amazing Benefits of Beer

The health benefits of beer are vast, ranging from prevention of cancer and diabetes, to aiding the digestive system, as well as for treating osteoporosis and hypertension. Beer is very effective in preventing the formation of kidney stones. Beer is rich in vitamins, which helps prevent anemia, as well as promotes skin and hair health . Research has consistently shown that moderate—yes, we said moderate—consumption of beer can actually improve your health, from reducing your risk of heart disease to strengthening your bones. Reduces risk of Kidney Stones . Lowers risk of Heart Disease. Protects from Alzheimer’s. Increases HDL Cholesterol. Decreases Blood Clotting. Lowers Blood Pressure . Contains lots of Fiber. Keeps Bones Strong. Reduces Stress. Keeps you Happy. Helps Prevent Cancer . Helps Control Diabetes . Treats Dandruff. Prevents Anemia. Improves Skin Health.

‘Fenugreek’ for Hair Growth

Fenugreek are great for hair specially for promoting hair growth. They have various vitamins and nutrition's that help in growing our hair longer. Not only this, but it also helps in making our hair stronger. Also, it adds shine to our hair and makes them more silky and nourished. 1. FENUGREEK AND EGG HAIR MASK STEPS Soak a tablespoon of fenugreek seeds in a bowl full of water for overnight. The next morning, strain the seeds and blend them in a mixer. Break an egg and add the egg white in the paste of fenugreek seeds. Squeeze half a lemon in this mixture and mix all the ingredients together. Apply this mask to your hair and scalp and let it sit for 20 minutes at least. Then, rinse it off and wash your hair with a mild shampoo. Do not condition your hair afterwards. Apply this mask once a week to your hair to promote hair growth. 2. FENUGREEK AND YOGURT STEPS Soak a tablespoon of fenugreek seeds in a bowl full of water. The next morning

Avoid Some Common Habits for a Healthy Kidney

Kidney filter the blood, detoxify the body, neutralize acids, produce hormones, absorb minerals, and more. Therefore, if we do not take proper care of their function w can develop serious health issues. Poor kidney function is also associated with a number of other serious health problems, including diabetes , hypertension, and heart disease. Common signs of kidney problems include: Frequent urination Problems urinating Pain or burning sensation during urination Constant thirst These Following habits put a lot of strain on the kidneys and gradually lead to decline or disease: 1. Dehydration Chronic dehydration of the body leads to the buildup of waste and toxins that the kidneys cannot easily eliminate. 2. Painkiller Abuse The frequent use of painkillers can cause damage to the kidneys. 3. Caffeine Caffeine raises blood pressure and its excessive intake can place a lot of stress on the kidneys. 4. Alcohol Consumption Alcohol is

“When” and “When Not” to Drink Green Tea

Best Time to Drink Green Tea After Breakfast Half-an-Hour Before Exercise to Burn Fat Two Hours Before and After Meals Throughout the Day as Detox Water When To Avoid Green Tea Avoid taking Green Tea at the Meal Time. Do not add Milk and Sugar to Green Tea. Do not take your tea very early in the Morning on an empty stomach. Do not have more than 2-3 Cups a Day. Avoid drinking Green Tea late at night to avoid Insomnia. *Also Read Health Benefits of Green Tea And Side Effects of Green Tea

Side Effects of Green Tea

With a large number of benefits, Green Tea also has many less talked about side effects. Here are a few things that we need to know are: Diabetes : Consumption of Green Tea might affect blood sugar control and causes a reason for increase in Diabetes. Bleeding Disorders: Consuming Green Tea decreases the level of blood clot and can increases the risk of bleeding. High Blood Pressure: Green Tea can increases Blood Pressure in people with High Blood Pressure. Osteoporosis: Green Tea can increase the amount of Calcium, essential for Bone Health, which gets flushed out in the Urine. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): Green Tea can worsen Diarrhea and symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Anxiety Disorders: Consumption of Green Tea can give the experience of Jitteriness,Headaches, and Upset Stomach. *Also Read Benefits of Green Tea & "When" and "When Not" to Drink Green Tea

Health Benefit of Green Tea

Green tea made from the Camellia sinensis leaves, which undergo a process of withering and oxidation. There are numerous varieties of green tea, and they differ based on the growing conditions, the process of production, and the time of harvest. Improves Brain Function: Green Tea contain less Caffeine than coffee but enough to produce an effect. It also contains the Amino-Acid, L-theanine, which can work synergistically with caffeine to improve brain function. Good for Teeth: The Catechine in Green Tea may inhibit the growth of bacteria. This can lower the risk of infections and lead to improvements in Dental Health . It reduces Bad Breath. Fights against Alzheimer's & Parkinson's: Green Tea is said to delay the deterioration caused by Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Studies shows that Green Tea protects Brain Cells from dying and restores damages of Brain Cells. Manages Diabetes : Green Tea apparently regulates Glucose Levels slowing the rise of

What to Eat for A Flat Belly???

By eating these healthy foods that contain the macro-nutrients and micro-nutrients that your body desires, you will improve how you feel and how you look on a daily basis. These are the healthy foods you should be eating everyday for weight loss . 1. Egg Eggs can be phenomenally effective to lose weight and for a flat belly as well. It contains a good protein and healthy fat content, this keeps people feeling fuller for longer, supporting your dieting efforts. Furthermore, the micro-nutrients that are found in the yolk of the egg are great for supporting your body functions. In one large-sized egg, the small amounts of almost every vitamin and mineral are available as recommended for daily amount. 2. Sweet Potato Sweet potato is often overlooked as a healthy food but provides great health benefit. In just one potato, it contains 400% of your daily recommended vitamin A, making it very nutrient dense whilst containing less calories than a regular, w