Foods to Relax Constipation

There are many reasons which can cause constipation, and it includes often a combination of poor diet, stress and lack of activity can be blamed for bad bowel movement. However, many of us might not feel comfortable talking about it, but being able to go to the toilet regularly does make a big difference. Becoming reliant on a drug is never a good idea. In the case of constipation, long term use of chemical laxatives disturbs the body’s natural responses and decreases your bowels function.

Here is a list of Foods and Drinks that acts as Natural Laxatives to help you poop:

1. Castor Oil: Castor oil is a safe, natural laxative. It works by increasing the movement of the intestines, helping the stool to come out. use castor oil as a natural laxative it should be taken on an empty stomach as, Adults should take 1 to 2 tbsp, Children 2–12 yrs old should take 1 to 2 tsp, and children under 2 yrs of age should not have more than a teaspoon at a time.

2. Beans and Legumes: Fiber-rich and low in cholesterol; you can include them in your diet to prevent constipation but if you eat too much, it could backfire and you may end up producing too much gas.

3. Prunes: Well known as natural laxatives for constipation, prunes are also rich in vitamin A and potassium. Eat pitted prunes or drink prune juice.

4. Flax Seeds: Packed with natural fiber and omega-3 fatty acids and can be used as a stimulant laxative; if you also drink enough water, they’ll absorb it and push everything out of the bowel.

5. Nuts: Cashew nuts and walnuts are particularly good as laxatives, but other nuts will help with elimination too.

6. Tomatoes: These antioxidant powerhouses will supply you with a good amount of dietary fiber to eliminate constipation.

7. Cabbage: Another example of a natural and inexpensive natural laxative; it also helps to eliminate toxins from your digestive tract and cleanses you. If you consume it in its fermented form, as sauerkraut, you’ll also provide your body with the much needed probiotics. Probiotics can help treat constipation and increase the frequency of pooping.

8. Kiwifruit: A number of human clinical studies have found kiwifruit a highly effective way to provide relief from constipation and some people claim that it is the best natural laxative.

9. Coconut Water: If you can’t imagine drinking just water, coconut water is a great-tasting and healthy alternative. And, it’s very effective in relieving constipation. In fact, too much coconut water has been known to cause loose stools, so don’t overdo it.


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