How to Use Coconut Oil for Tanning

A glossy and well-tanned skin is desirable to all. Persons with sensitive skin are adversely affected when exposed to the sun. It is much preferable to turn to a natural product that helps you get your desired tanned skin easily without any side effect.
Here are some methods of using coconut oil to get the desired tan.

1. Coconut Oil for Tanning

Melted virgin coconut oil (quantity as required)

  • Apply liberal amounts of melted coconut oil all over your body
  • Go out to soak in the sun
  • Re-apply coconut oil every 15 minutes for best results
  • Do not stay in direct sunlight for more than 20 minutes. Take short breaks.
  • Spend at least 30 minutes in the sun to get the perfect deep brown tan that you can show off.
  • You will also be soaking in the right amount of Vitamin D into your body.

2. Carrot Juice and Coconut Oil for Tanning:
2 cups of carrot juice
Melted organic coconut oil as required.

  • On the exposed part of the skin, gently apply the carrot juice using a cotton ball
  • Let it rest till it dries.
  • Now apply liberal amounts of melted coconut oil all over your body
  • Go out to soak in the sun
  • Re-apply coconut oil every 15 minutes for best results
  • Do not stay in direct sunlight for more than 20 minutes. Take short breaks.
  • Spend at least 30 minutes in the sun to get the perfect deep brown tan that you can show off.
  • You will also be soaking in the right amount of Vitamin D into your body.

3. Iodine and Coconut Oil for Tanning:
2 cups of coconut oil
5 drops of iodine

  • Mix the two ingredients
  • Apply it on the skin.
  • Go out to enjoy the sun
  • Re-apply oil mixture every 15 minutes for best results
  • Do not stay in direct sunlight for more than 20 minutes. Take short breaks.
  • Spend at least 30 minutes in the sun to get the perfect deep brown tan that you can show off.
  • You will also be soaking in the right amount of Vitamin D into your body

4. Olive oil and Coconut Oil for Tanning:
2 cups of olive oil
2 cups of organic coconut oil

  • In a saucepan gently warm the coconut oil and the olive oil till they have mixed well
  • Pour it into a glass bowl
  • Let it cool a bit
  • Apply it liberally all over your exposed skin and go out to soak the sun
  • Re-apply the mixture every 10 minutes
  • Do not stay in direct sunlight for long
  • Drink plenty of water


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