Use Curd for Healthy Hairs and Beautiful Skin

Curd is a good source of calcium, protein, and vitamins.over and above its various health benefits, curd can also be used in our beauty regime to benefit our skin and hair. 1. Yogurt As A Face Cleanser And Scrub Mix 2 Tbsp of Yogurt with 1 Tbsp of Rice Flour or Oats. Apply this paste onto your skin, massaging it in a circular motion to gently scrub away the dead skin cells as well as any impurities. Leave it on for ten minutes and wash it off. This paste acts as both a cleanser and an exfoliate. 2. Curds As An Anti-Dandruff Treatment Freshly grind six to seven black peppers and mix them with a cup of curd. Apply this onto your scalp and leave it on for half an hour. Wash it off with cold water for best results. Repeat this treatment twice a week to get rid of dandruff. You can also mix a cup of curd with the juice of one lemon and massage it onto your scalp. The combination of the lemon and curd will effectively curb dandruff and on long-term use, prevent it from re...