Intake of this Vitamin Works as a Mosquito Repellent

As the weather changes the problem of Mosquito arises. The huge number of mosquitoes become a great problem in our life whether it is Indoor or Outdoor. The bite of mosquito causes Malaria, Dengue, and other diseases as well as Skin Infections too. The itchiness of Mosquito bite sometimes causes a great matter of concern for sensitive skin.
There are various products available in market named as Mosquito Repellent. But these repellents are harmful for skin and should not be used on daily basis. It might causes serious skin problems or health issues due to the presence of chemicals in it.

For this the only Vitamin which works as a cure is Vitamin B12. This vitamin can be found in various foods like oatmeal, eggs, yeast, brown rice, asparagus, liver etc. Vitamin B12 or thiamine, as it is referred to in scientific circles, helps in reducing stress and boosting immunity. Vitamin B12 helps in preventing cataract, limits type 2 Diabetes, improves the nervous system, and helps in a lot of other ways.

Well, I have a natural Mosquito Repellent for you, if you don’t like to eat all these Vitamin B12 rich diet.

For this you need:
  1. Tea Tree Oil
  2. Lavender Oil
  3. Witch Hazel
  4. Cool Boiled Water

  • Fill an 8-ounce spray bottle with boiled water halfway.
  • Then add half a teaspoon of witch hazel and 15 drops of tea tree oil.
  • Finally, add another 15 drops of lavender oil.
  • Now, you have your own repellent. Use it as you want.


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