Best Tips to Strengthen Bones

We all know our bones get weak as we grow old. Weak knees can affect your mobility and make it difficult for you to carry out everyday activities. Weak knees result to an injury or strain on the knees, nutritional deficiency, a sedentary lifestyle and excess sodium intake, smoking or drinking.

1. Exercise to Strengthen Knees:

Exercises which are good for knees include Step-ups, Lunges, Single-leg Squats, Hamstring Stretches with Thigh Contraction, Straight-leg Raises, Knee Bends and Squats with a Swiss Ball.
For best results, try for 30 minutes of Knee-Strengthening Exercises at least 4 or 5 times a week. And try to learn these exercises from an expert.

2. Massage Your Knees:

Regular massage not only improves blood circulation but also improves the absorption of nutrients which reach to the weak muscles and joints to make them stronger.

How to Massage Knees:
  1. Rub some warm Olive Oil, Coconut Oil or Mustard Oil on your knees.
  2. Using gentle yet firm strokes, massage the knees in both clockwise and anti-clockwise directions for 10 to 15 minutes.
  3. Try to do this twice daily as needed.

3. Epsom Salt:
Epsom Salt is high in Magnesium. So, it can provide quick relief and reduce inflammation around the knee joints. As well as, Magnesium is required for proper muscle functioning and helps in Calcium absorption.

How to use Epsom Salt over Knees:
  1. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt in ½ cup of warm water. Using a washcloth, apply it on your knees and wait 15 to 20 minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water.
  2. Another option is to soak your body in a tub of warm water mixed with 1 cup of Epsom salt for at least 20 minutes.

4. Swimming:

Swimming is type of Low-impact Aerobic Exercise for weak knees. It works as an exercise for knees with less pressure on the joints. Making it as a routine will help people suffering from knee pain or arthritis.
It can reduce your knee stiffness, strengthen the muscles around your knee joints and strengthen your bones.

5. Calcium Intake:
Calcium is very essential for bone health and its deficiency causes thinning and weakening of the bones and leads to Osteoporosis. As we all know, our body cannot produce calcium naturally, dietary sources and supplements are the best options to prevent its deficiency.
Taking Calcium from supplements requires intake of Vitamin D as well which help your body to absorb the Calcium.

6. Take Fish Oil:

Fish Oil is rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids called Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA). These acids help to strengthen Knee joints and improves Bone density as well.
It can even reduce Joint Pain and Stiffness due to its Anti-Inflammatory properties.

7. Take Vitamin C:

Vitamin C is very important in the formation of Collagen. And it is a major component of Knee Cartilage. It is essential for collagen synthesis, bone matrix quality and normal bone development. Vitamin C improves bone mass density and reduces fracture risk.

8. Healthy and Correct Weight:
Being overweight,the knees will become weak due to the stress of carrying heavy weight. Plus, obesity increases the risk of knee or hip replacement. So, try to reduce your weight for a healthy life as well as healthy bones.

9. Add Anti-Inflammatory Food in your Diet:

Knees can become weak and painful due to inflammation. To fight inflammation and swelling, add foods with anti-inflammatory properties to your diet.
Some foods with anti-inflammatory properties include salmon, flax seeds, ginger, turmeric, olive oil, avocados, tart cherries, walnuts, blueberries, sweet potatoes, and spinach.


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