Use Coconut Oil to Heal Decomposed Teeth & Reverse Cavities

Coconut oil is one of the most versatile and healthiest thing which one can use. This miraculous oil has good antibacterial properties, and the digestive enzymes it contains provide an ability to destroy bacteria.  Tooth decay in both, children and adults, is caused by Smutans and Streptococcus.

How to make homemade coconut oil toothpaste:

Half cup of Coconut Oil
2-3 tablespoons of Baking Soda
15-30 drops of Essential Oil (lemon, peppermint, thieves)

Mix the ingredients in a suitable container, and use the paste instead of the commercial toothpaste.

It will whiten the teeth and eliminate all bacteria from the oral cavity.


  1. Thanks for such a valuable post!! I really enjoyed to read it. You have shared so much about teeth and their problems. My kid also facing the a lots of problems due to teeth cavities so I am looking for Child Dentist in Gurgaon, India. Your article really good and help me to understand more about teeth and oral health.


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