Remove Stretch Mark Fast and Naturally

Stretch marks are typical lines and crack like marks on the skin which are of a much fainter color and can at times also be very protruding. Stretch marks are caused when the dermis tears. Rapid growth or rapid weight changes will lead to quicker stretch marks. They may also be influenced by hormonal changes that are associated with puberty, pregnancy, bodybuilding, or hormone replacement therapy. These are very stubborn and biological symptoms which take a lot of time to get removed. 
Stretch Marks are very commonly seen in Men's and Women's both. So, here I am with the natural ways of removing Stretch Marks.

1. Honey & Yoghurt:
  1. Take yoghurt in a bowl and will be even better with Greek yoghurt.
  2. Now mix to this some honey and nicely apply the paste on the stretch marks to let it rest for about 20- 25 minutes and then wash off.
Why use it?Honey is a natural moisturizer and yoghurt contains lactic acid which is again natural bleach.

2. Grapefruit & Coconut:
  1. Simply mix portions of coconut water to grapefruit juice and then massage the stretch mark areas with this twice a day.
  2. Make sure the ratio of coconut oil to the juice should be 3:1.
Why use it?Grapefruit is again natural bleach and is known to fade away blemishes and coconut oil adds moisture to your skin.

3. Potato Juice:
  1. Slice a potato then scrub it on the affected area.
Why use it?Potatoes is packed with mineral plus vitamins which support to re-establish skin cells. Potato juice is your best answer to get rid of stretch marks naturally.

4. Aloe-Vera:
  1. You can apply this directly on your face otherwise smear a paste prepared by mixing vitamin E capsules aloe Vera gel and oil from 5 vitamins A capsules.
  2. After a while, wash with lukewarm water.
Why use it?Aloe Vera possesses calming and healing properties and therefore plays an important role to remove stretch marks.

5. Tea Tree Oil:
  1. For stretch marks apply directly the oil a few times every day and then massage nicely.
Why use it?Tea Tree Oil helps to remove stretch marks naturally. Just keep in mind one thing that this is a natural antibiotic but not very suitable for people with sensitive skin.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar:
  1. Dilute vinegar and water and spray it on the areas before going to bed and then wash it off the next morning.
Why use it?The malic and acetic acid content in apple cider vinegar helps to break blemishes and marks down from the roots. 

7. Coffee:
  1. Just take some coffee beans and crush it first or, its better if you have coffee powder.
  2. To this add some Aloe Vera juice or jelly and make a fine paste of the two.
  3. Now apply this on the stretch marks and massage nicely.
  4. After some time with the help of a cotton cloth and warm water clean the areas.
Why use it?Most of us love the aromatic brew of coffee but are unaware of the fact that coffee also helps to treat stretch marks.

8. Avocado:
  1. First and the easiest is by blending avocado pulp, mixing lemon juice to it and then applying the paste.
  2. Second, you can use avocado, olive oil and some aloe jelly and then apply this.
  3. Lastly, you can blend avocado pulp, oatmeal and into this mix some olive oil and apply it to your stretch marks.
Why use it?Avocado contains folic acid which is very good to repair broken and cracked skin or stretch marks.

9. Cucumber:
  1. For the treatment of stretch marks, using cucumber is very easy because you just have to get slices of it.
  2. Rub one at a time on the stretch mark area.
  3. After you are done you can rinse the areas with warm water.
Why use it?Cucumber has a lot of skin lightening properties and also scar removal properties. This is also the reason for which it is extensively used in the treatment of tan and darkness as well. The quick way to use cucumber to prevent stretch marks.


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