Source of Protein from Plants Only

There is no need to get stressed after you quit your main source of protein through meat. There are various plant based sources of protein which can fulfill the need of body protein. And don’t confuse yourself that only meat eating person can build a good body. Whereas, you can build a good body build just being a vegetarian and consuming plant based protein.

Chia Seeds:
Chia seeds have been around for centuries and is considered one of the top super foods. The benefits are endless, for energy boosts to weight loss, they are definitely a go to for a healthy diet. This amazing source of protein provides the necessary calories and carbs to get your day started on the right track.

Lentils are the go to source of protein for vegan bodybuilders. They provide a large amount of protein in a small meal. The great thing about them is they can be used in a variety of dishes.

Hemp Seeds:
Hemp seeds not only contain a good source of protein but it is also a great source of omega-3 fatty acids. The carbohydrate to protein ratio is one of the best compared to all the other protein sources on this list.

Black Beans:
Black beans are a great protein source that go well with any food. The fiber content in beans is known for helping regulate your digestive system, and they are also extremely filling due to the amount of fiber they contain.

Dry Fruits/Nuts:
Nuts are a great go to protein source that can be snacked on anywhere you go. The different variety of nuts allow you to mix and match to keep things interesting. They also contain a healthy amount of fiber, omega 3’s, and unsaturated fats.

Golden Flax seed Meal:
Golden flax seed meal is another great source of protein and omega 3’s that I love to use. It has been around since ancient times and was commonly prescribed by Hippocrates (the father of medicine), when patients had intestinal issues due to it’s high fiber content.

Spirulina is a deep blue green algae that may surprise you in its protein content. This powerhouse protein source has multiple vitamins such as Vitamin B1, B2, B3, copper, iron, magnesium, and potassium to make it one of the most powerful super foods.


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