Treat Health Problem with Castor Oil & Baking Soda

The combination of castor oil and baking soda offers numerous health benefits, and treats at least 24 common health issues. Castor oil has a powerful effect on circulation, due to which it is often used as a coating.

  • Treat cuts, bruises, and wounds with castor oil to accelerate their healing process.
  • Wrap a coating of castor oil in a strained ankle and leave it overnight to accelerate healing.
  • In order to prevent stretch marks, massage the stomach with this oil in the last 2 months of pregnancy.
  • Mix baking soda and castor oil to eliminate the dark spots on the face.
  • Drop a drop every night before going to sleep to cure cataracts.
  • Apply a coating soaked in castor oil on the neck on a daily basis to treat chronic hoarseness and vocal cords nodules.
  • Apply castor oil to treat pilonidal cysts.
  • Drink 5 drops of castor oil in the morning on a daily basis to quickly treat allergies.
  • Before going to bed, rub some castor oil on the eyelid to treat eye allergies.
  • Drink several drops of castor oil daily to treat nicotine and alcohol addiction.
  • Massage the scalp with castor oil on a daily basis, 20 minutes before shampooing, to stimulate hair growth.
  • Drop a few drops in the ear to improve hearing.
  • Drink 6-8 drops if this oil for 4 months to completely remove tinnitus.
  • Apply coatings soaked in this oil for a week to soothe pain in the lower back.
  • Apply coatings soaked in castor oil on the stomach to treat chronic diarrhea.
  • Rub some castor oil on the affected area for a month to eliminate warts.
  • Fungal infection on the feet can be eliminated with the daily use of castor oil coatings.
  • Massage the soles with this oil daily to remove deposits of calcium.
  • Rub some castor oil on moles for a month to get rid of them.
  • Apply coatings soaked in castor oil on the stomach to treat hyperactivity.
  • Castor oil effectively treats hepatitis.
  • Mix baking soda and castor oil to treat skin cancer.
  • Apple some castor oil on bee stings to treat them and immediately eliminate the swelling.
  • Apply coatings soaked in castor oil on the stomach for 2 weeks to stop snoring.


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