Home Remedies to Remove Blackheads Permanently

With the increasing pollution and dust around us, the stress level of hectic lifestyle, and the harmful chemicals we are getting causes blackheads are a common sight. Dead skin cells and oils covers the opening of the skin follicles, and results into a bump. When the skin over this bump gets exposure to the air makes it look black, and makes blackhead.

Here are some home remedies to get rid of blackheads.

1. Egg White Face Mask:
You Will Need
1 egg white
1 teaspoon honey

1. Mix the honey into the egg white and apply the mixture on your face.
2. Let it dry. Wash off with warm water.
* Repeat this once or twice a week.

2. Turmeric and Mint Juice Face Mask:
You Will Need
1 tablespoon turmeric powder
2 tablespoons fresh mint juice

1. Mix the turmeric with the mint juice to form a paste.
2. Apply this paste on the affected areas and let it dry for 10-15 minutes.
3. Rinse with lukewarm water. Do not forget to moisturize the area.
* Repeat this once every week.

3. Tomato Face Mask:
You Will Need
A small tomato


1. Take the tomato, peel and mash it, and apply it over the blackheads before going to bed.

2. Leave it overnight and then wash it with clean water in the morning.
* Do this every night before going to bed.

4. Bentonite Clay Face Mask:
You Will Need
1 tablespoon bentonite clay

1. Mix enough water into the clay powder to make a paste of medium consistency.
2. Apply this all over your face to eliminate even those deeply embedded blackheads.
3. Let the mask dry for a couple of minutes.
4. Rinse it off with lukewarm water. Pat dry and moisturize as usual.
* Apply the mask once or twice a week.

5. Green Tea Leaves Face Mask:
You Will Need
1 teaspoon dry green tea leaves

1. Mix the tea leaves with water to make a paste.
2. Apply this paste on your face and leave it on for 15-20 minutes.
3. Rinse with lukewarm water, pat dry and moisturize.
* Repeat once every week or as required.

6. Honey Face Mask:
You Will Need
1 tablespoon organic raw honey
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon sugar

1. Mix the ingredients and rub the scrub gently on your skin.
2. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes and rinse with warm water.
* Use this simple scrub/mask every day.

7. Lemon Juice Face Mask:
You Will Need
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon yogurt
½ tablespoon salt


1. Mix the ingredients and apply the mixture to the affected area in a gentle circular motion.

2. Leave it on for 10-12 minutes.
3. Rinse with warm water.
* Repeat this every alternate day.

8. Salt Face Mask:
You Will Need
1-2 tablespoons salt

Mix the salt thoroughly in water and wash your face with this water.
How Often You Need To Do This
Wash your face with this water a few times a day.
* Wash your face with this water a few times a day.

9. Toothpaste Face Mask:
You Will Need
Mint toothpaste
An ice cube

1. Apply some toothpaste on your nose and let it dry for five minutes.
2. Now, apply a few drops of water and massage in circular motions for a few minutes.
3. Rinse with water and rub an ice cube over the area.
* Repeat this every day.

10. Apple Cider Vinegar Face Mask:
You Will Need

A few drops of apple cider vinegar on Cotton ball

1. With the help of the cotton ball, apply apple cider vinegar on your face and let it dry.2. Rinse your face with warm water.
* Do this every day to get rid of all skin-related problems.


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