Health Benefits of Drinking Warm Water

Warm water is good to the body when you take it with caution. Warm water temperature should be between 120°F and 140°F. It shouldn’t be hot enough to scald your taste buds. You can add lemon for a vitamin C boost.

Warm water and hot water have some exclusive benefits that you cannot get when you drink cold water.

1. Hot water works as a miracle for your body to detox. After, drinking hot water, the temperature of body begins to rise, which causes sweating. It helps in releasing toxins from the body and cleanse it properly. For optional results, can add a squeeze of lemon before drinking.

2. Hot water deep cleanses the body and removes the basic reasons of causing acne-related infections. Drinking hot water also helps to get soft, and shiny hair. It energizes the nerve endings of the hair roots and makes them active. It improves the shine and health of the hairs. And it also hydrate the scalp and helps to fight against dry scalp or dandruff.

3. Drinking hot water enhances the blood circulation, which is helpful for proper muscle and nerve activity. As well as, it makes Nervous System healthy by eliminating the fat deposits around it.

4. Hot water is a miracle in maintaining the healthy metabolism, which promotes shed of few kilos. Drink a glass of hot water and lemon in morning.. Hot water helps to remove the body fat in your body.

5. Drinking hot water works as an excellent natural remedy for colds, coughs and a sore throat. It eliminates phlegm and also helps to remove it from your respiratory. It also can provide relief from a sore throat as well as in clearing the Nasal Congestion.

6. Drinking cold water during or after meal deposits the oil present in the consumed foods. Which gets deposit over the inner wall of intestine, which can causes Intestinal Cancer. However, this problem can be solved by replacing the glass of cold water with hot water. As well as, hot water is beneficial in digestion, which is what you want after a meal.


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