How to Apply Castor Oil for Beautiful and Healthy Hair

Castor oil will improve both the health and appearance of your hair. Also, it is very cheap and the best remedy for a long, shiny, and thick hair. Below, you have a few tips on how to use it for this purpose:

  1. Thickens and regrows hair
  2. Fight against Split ends
  3. Males Long Lashes
  4. Removes Dandruff

Since it is sticky, I will show you an easy way to use it without getting all messy.

How To Apply Castor Oil On Hair

  • First, prepare the castor oil. As mentioned above, it is quite sticky, so you can combine it with another oil in order to make it easier for application.  Mix equal amounts of castor oil and the oil of choice, such as coconut, jojoba, or argon oil.
  • Put the small bowl of oil in a larger bowl of hot water to warm it up
  • Dampen the hair by spraying a little bit of water
  • Dip the tips of the fingers in the warm oil and then massage it in the scalp
  • Rub the oil between the palms and run in through the hair
  • Cover the hair with a shower cap and then wrap a hot towel around the head in order to improve the absorption of nutrients through the pores
  • Let it work an hour (at least)


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