Benefits of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a heart-healthy food that can help keep your body running smoothly and efficiently in a number of ways. Coconut oil has found its place in the beauty shelf long ago and is used by many. It is very useful to make you beautiful and here I come up with some overnight beauty tips of Coconut Oil.

To overcome the problem of Dandruff, Coconut Oil could be a great rescuer for you.
Add 4-6 drops of Tea-tree oil in pre-warmed Coconut Oil and massage your scalp. Practice the same or 4-5 times before washing your hair, and you can see a great change.

Everyone experience the problem of hair fall in such a polluted situation, so try this and you can see decrease in hair fall. Mix some Fenugreek (Methi) powder in Coconut Oil and massage your scalp and hair. Practice the same and you will see the difference in hail fall soon.

3. Dry Hair:
In winters this dry hair problem is very common, try Coconut Oil to get soft and smooth hairs. Massage your hair and scalp with Warm Coconut Oil before going to bed and then shampoo your hair the next morning.

Try this simple tip to get rid of acne or red pimple on your face. Add few drops of Tea Tree Oil in the Coconut Oil and apply on your face or on the pimples before going to bed, and let it work overnight.

5. Mouth Ulcers:
A little irregular daily-routine could cause mouth ulcer very easily. So, apply pure Coconut Oil on mouth ulcer, before going to bed and let it work for the overnight.

Everyone wants shiny and healthy teeth and gums. After brushing your teeth, rub your gums and teeth with organic Coconut Oil.

Cracked Heels are a big problem for all in winter especially. Apply a good amount of Coconut Oil on the entire feet, and wear socks. Let the oil work for 4-5 hours to get absorbed. And try to avoid wear socks in night, so practice this in morning or evening time.


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