Health Benefits of 5 Alkaline Foods

The increased level of acidity in the body can be relieved if you consume alkaline foods that are rarely present in modern diets.
But, the intake of these foods will bring to you an optimal health with higher energy levels, plus they will soothe stress, and protect your body from numerous ailments and inflammation in the body.

Here is the list and 5 foods and their benefits:

1. Asparagus: This plant shows a pH of 8.5 which makes it a potent alkaline food that elevates

the levels of various vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber and water in the body.

2. Avocados: This fleshy fruit is very beneficial for the body due to its valuable content of nutrients.
It shows a pH of 8.0 that aids the body’s digestion, detoxifies the body, offers a better heart
health, and prevents osteoporosis.

3. Cayenne Pepper: This pepper has a pH of 8.5 and it is a potent antibacterial agent.
Therefore, it successfully reduces blood pressure, detoxifies the body, boosts the function
of the brain, and improves circulation.

4. Garlic: This plant is considered to be a super-foodacting as the most powerful natural
antibiotic. It is abundant with fiber, and nutrients, and successfully neutralizes the body acidity.

5. Lemon: Although they are known for their acidity they are not acidic food, in fact during
the digestive process, they are turned into the most powerful alkalizing substances.
As a result of that, make sure to include a few slices of lemon or some lemon juice into your
drinks and foods on daily basis.

Other Alkalizing Food and Beverages:

  • All vegetables and fruits, except for the cranberries, blueberries, prunes, and plums
  • Grains, including millet, quinoa, flax, and amaranth
  • Fruit juices
  • Vegetable juices
  • Herbal teas
  • Sprouted seeds of chia, radish, and alfalfa
  • Un-sprouted sesame
  • Spices
  • Vanilla extract
  • Brewer’s yeast
  • Fresh unsalted butter


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