Health Benefits of Bell Pepper/Capsicum

Bell peppers, also known as Sweet Pepper or Capsicum. Sweet bell peppers are a great combination of tangy taste and crunchy texture. The content of vitamin C and carotenoid also increases when the pepper is at the peak of its ripeness.
These colorful and attractive vegetables are enjoyed all over the world in a variety of cuisines. Other names of capsicum are ‘Shimla Mirch‘ in Hindi, ‘Pedda Mirappa‘ in Telugu, ‘Kuda Milagai‘ in Tamil, ‘Parangi Mulagu‘ in Malayalam, ‘Donne Menasinakai‘ in Kannada, ‘Bhopli Mirchi‘ in Marathi, ‘Simla Marchan‘ in Gujarati and ‘Simla Mirch‘ in Bengali.

Here is the list of various health benefits of Capsicum.
  1. Good source of Vitamins A, C and K, Carotenoids and Dietary Fiber.
  2. Contains Vitamin B6 and Folate.
  3. Support Healthy Eyesight, especially Night Vision.
  4. Burns more Calories.
  5. Provides several Anti-Cancer benefits (help to prevent gastric cancer, esophageal cancer, prostate, 
  6. bladder, cervix and pancreas cancer.).
  7. Good source of Cholesterol Lowering Fiber.
  8. Lowers about 162 milligrams of Blood Pressure.
  9. Helps in maintaining a Healthy Immune System.
  10. Aids in the formation of blood clots.
  11. Support good skin and strong Joints.
  12. Decreases the anxiety level, particularly due to Premenstrual Symptoms.
  13. Cures Iron Deficiency (consume Red Peppers).
  14. Kills the ulcer causing bacteria in the stomach and boosts immunity.
  15. Help in clearing out the congested mucus membranes in the nose and lungs. 
  16. Eliminate toxins through sweating.
  17. Enhances muscle function and regulates blood pressure.
  18. Helps in the cure of Diarrhea and Dyspepsia.
  19. Support hair growth.
  20. Supports healthy Hair & Nails.
  21. Strengthens Hair Follicles.
  22. Fight against Wrinkles, Discoloration, Thickening and decrease in skin elasticity. 
  23. Makes Skin Healthy & Youthful.
  24. Heals Shingles & Athlete’s Foot
  25. Reverses Signs of Ageing.


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