6 Anti-Aging Oils for Your Skin

There are many different types of oils that are good for your skin and can be used as natural skin care instead of store-bought products. Making the switch to some of these oils may save you money but most importantly will help you drastically reduce your exposure to toxins and help your skin resist wrinkles.

If you plan to use any of these oils please select organic and toxic free when you can. Always use the best on your skin as anything you apply to it will be absorbed.

There are actually two types of almonds – sweet and bitter. The sweet almonds are the ones most widely used for cosmetics, healing and culinary purposes.

Dry Skin: Sweet Almond Oil can help you fight dry skin and other related problems.

Oily Skin: Pores of the skin and hair follicles can benefit from Almond Oil’s ability to remove debris.
Face Scrubs: You’ll find many almond scrubs on the market, however, it’s easy to make your own almond facial scrub by mixing sweet Almond Oil with fine sugar.
Natural Sunscreen: Almond Oil has the ability to prevent and slow the effects of UV damage. It’s easily absorbed into the skin and has a light feel on the skin.
Reduce The Signs of Aging: The next time you wake up with dark circles under your eyes try dabbing a few drops of Almond Oil just beneath your bottom eyelid.
Other Skin Care Benefits: Eczema and psoriasis sufferers may consider using Almond Oil as a natural therapy for reducing the effects of their inflammatory skin conditions.

2. Argon Oil
It’s nutrients combine to dramatically reduce the incidence of acne, as well as the scars from acne and stretch marks, inflammation of the skin and the fine lines which may appear as we age.

Body Scrub and Exfoliator: Simply mix a drop or two of the oil with a tablespoon of brown sugar then, rub into your face and neck in a circular motion for a couple of minutes. Rinse and pat dry.
Hair Treatment: It’s completely non-greasy and perfect to leave on your hair as a conditioner – you don’t even need to rinse. It will ease split ends and frizzy curls and make your hair easier to style while keeping your scalp healthier.
Skin Toner: Use it as a skin toner and day and night time moisturizer to leave your skin feeling fresh and clean. Argon Oil absorbs into your skin quickly and doesn’t leave an oily residue.
Treat Acne: Argon Oil can help to reduce the devastating effect that acne can have on your skin.

3. Coconut Oil
Amazingly Coconut Oil also helps rid your body of toxins. The detoxifying benefits are very important because if toxins are allowed to accumulate your immune system becomes weaker which makes you more susceptible to ill-health and disease.

Treat Cold Sores: If you’re prone to annoying and painful cold sores, dab Coconut Oil on them to halt the pain, speed the healing process and reduce the chance of discoloration or scarring of the skin.

Body Exfoliant: You can’t beat coconut oil as a body scrub. Simply mix the oil with some coconut sugar and you’ve got the perfect remover for dead skin cells for your face or other areas of the body.
Alternative to Soap and Shaving Cream: If you’re tired of shaving your legs only to end up with unsightly cuts and abrasions, try Coconut Oil instead of soap or shaving cream.
Eye Makeup Remover: Removing eye makeup can be a problem if you have to scrub and rub the sensitive eye area. However, put a bit of Coconut Oil on a cotton ball and gently remove the makeup.
Dermatitis Problems: Sufferers of dermatitis, swear by using Coconut Oil for skin cleansing and moisturizing.

4. Jojoba Oil
Jojoba Oil has natural antioxidant powers, derived partly from the rich amounts of vitamin E.

Vitamin E is vital for skin health, helping to reduce inflammation and rebuild and strengthen the capillary walls within the skin.

Common Uses for Natural Skin and Hair Care: Jojoba Oil is an emollient which can help rejuvenate the skin and unclog hair follicles.
Eye Makeup Remover: Rather than spending money on expensive eye makeup removers, use a few drops of jojoba oil on a cotton ball and use as you would your regular remover.
Chapped Lips: Dab a few drops on your lips for instant relief from dry, chapped lips.
Relieve Infections and Sores: If you have an infection, bites, sores or razor burns on your skin, apply a few drops of Jojoba Oil to the affected area(s) twice a day for rapid relief and healing.

5. Passion Fruit Oil
It is rich in omega-6 fatty acids, which means it doubles as a treatment for acne and a moisturizer which keeps the skin fresh looking while controlling oil production and helping skin heal faster.

Anti-Aging: Rich in vitamin C, carotenoids, and essential fatty acids, it has the unique ability to tighten and firm the skin, leaving the facial skin looking younger, softer, and helping to eliminate the fine lines and thinning of the skin that comes with aging.
Heal Dry and Chapped Skin: Apply oil straight to your skin to balance the moisture.
Soothe Insect Bites: Apply a few drops of oil to insect bite to relieve itchiness.

6. Rosehip Oil
Rosehip Oil can hydrate, prevent dry, itchy skin, help cell rejuvenation and much more.

Rejuvenate Cells and Protect Against Signs of Aging: The anti-aging properties of rosehip are extremely significant. Rosehip oil is a non-greasy substance which contains high levels of antioxidants, making it one of the best fighters of free radicals, which are one of the major causes of the effects of aging, including health problems and skin issues.
Collagen Stimulator: The reduction of collagen is one of the causes of dry skin and wrinkles so we want to produce more collagen.
Skin Healing Benefits: If you suffer from Rosacea, Rosehip Oil can reduce the redness due to its astringent properties. Eczema sufferers can benefit from its moisturizing properties, too.


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