Side-Effects of Aloe-Vera Juice

Aloe-Vera is a popular medicinal plant for internal use. It is well-known for its ability to eliminate common gastrointestinal problems and shows promise in treating type-2 diabetes. While commercial aloe products have no known side effects, unprocessed Aloe-Vera juice is associated with some risks.

Dehydration Dangers
Aloin can overstimulate the bowels, leading to abdominal cramps, severe diarrhea, electrolyte imbalance and dehydration.

Aloin and Pregnancy
Pregnant women are advised against eating or drinking aloin-containing Aloe-Vera juice, since it may stimulate uterine contractions, triggering miscarriage or preterm labor.

Commercial Aloe Juice
All Aloe-Vera juice purchased in the United States has been refined to eliminate aloin. Aloin-free Aloe-Vera juice is not associated with any known side effects.

Maintaining Safety
Because the laxative effects of natural Aloe-Vera juice can be exceedingly harsh, consumers should avoid making aloe juice at home and instead purchase aloin-free varieties.


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