What to Eat for A Flat Belly???

By eating these healthy foods that contain the macro-nutrients and micro-nutrients that your body desires, you will improve how you feel and how you look on a daily basis. These are the healthy foods you should be eating everyday for weight loss.

1. Egg

Eggs can be phenomenally effective to lose weight and for a flat belly as well. It contains a good protein and healthy fat content, this keeps people feeling fuller for longer, supporting your dieting efforts. Furthermore, the micro-nutrients that are found in the yolk of the egg are great for supporting your body functions. In one large-sized egg, the small amounts of almost every vitamin and mineral are available as recommended for daily amount.

Sweet potato is often overlooked as a healthy food but provides great health benefit. In just one potato, it contains 400% of your daily recommended vitamin A, making it very nutrient dense whilst containing less calories than a regular, white potato. The complex carbohydrate takes longer to break down and digest than its simple carbohydrate counterpart, leaving you fuller for longer

3. Spinach and Kale

These two green leafy vegetables are dark green meaning they contain more chlorophyll and packed more densely with nutrients. These nutrients include Vitamin K, which supports bone growth and is also good for the heart and lungs. Vitamin A, which helps to maintain skin function, giving you better looking skin and also supports the production of red blood cells. These dark green vegetables also contain copper, which is healthy for the metabolism, crucial for those looking to lose weight but also for those who want to maintain a healthy weight.

4. Chia Seeds

These tiny little seeds also contain a good amount of high-quality protein which has been proven to reduce craving and leave you feeling fuller for longer. Making it a food that can also support weight loss in addition to a healthy source of nutrients. It is high in fiber and these fiber content will make sure your digestive tract will run smoothly and will also increase your satiety when you consume them.

5. Almonds

Plain almonds are the way to go, rich in nutrients, fiber and protein; they are a healthy food that you should be eating everyday. If you are looking to lose weight, then look no further than almonds. These nuts are high in healthy fats and protein, meaning they stave of the hunger attacks and lead to a reduced appetite. The health benefits of almonds are incredible, providing a lowered cholesterol, lowering blood pressure and supporting blood sugar control.

6. Berries

They are high in antioxidants and help to fight chronic diseases. In one cup of blackberries there is a huge 7 grams of fiber, supports digestion and increases satiety. These Berries are also packed with vitamins, such as vitamin A and C; and minerals, such as calcium and iron, to improve your body’s functions and overall health. Berries are also high in fiber which actually reduces hunger and support your digestive system, getting rid of waste substances from your body.

7. Oats

Having half a cup of oats everyday can drastically improve your health with the fiber, the nutrients and the antioxidants that it contains. It is also considered to be the best carbohydrate source for those looking to lose weight as it is one of the most filling forms of the macro-nutrient.


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