Remove Facial Hairs in Just 15 Minutes

Laser treatments and commercial hair removal creams can give good results but many experience rashes and redness, due to the facial skin sensitivity to all those chemical compounds in them. That’s why it’s always better to try a more natural approach. Here, is a natural recipe which will remove your facial hair in less than 15 minutes and leave your skin radiant and smooth.

  1. 2 tbsp. honey.
  2. 1 tbsp. oatmeal paste.
  3. 2 tbsp. lemon juice.
Direction to Use:
  • Crush the oatmeal into a fine powder and then mix all the ingredients into a thick paste. 
  • Apply the mixture to the desired area and leave it on for 15 minutes. 
  • Wash your face with warm water and you’re done. 
  • Apply some moisturizer afterward and repeat the process 2-3 times a week for a month.
  • You’ll notice the hairs disappearing gradually until they’re completely gone for good.


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